Newsletter 11.07.2004, angemeldet mit: 

Liebe Freunde des Scherzmail!

Hier ist der erwartete Witz des Tages aus dem Verteiler von! Die größte Humor(such)maschine bietet im Web eine riesige Auswahl an weiteren Witzen in zahlreichen Kategorien abrufbar - viel Spaß!

Über alle Witze, die wir erhalten, freuen wir uns. Die besten werden wir laufend veröffentlichen. Unter allen Einsendungen verlosen wir CDs und weitere tolle Gewinne!

Viel Spass auch mit den naechsten Witzen wuenscht


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Witz des Tages! und

A woman went into a pet shop seeking a pet for a friend.

While she was there she noticed a frog in a glass tank and enquired about it. The shopkeeper replied that it was a trained sex frog, all a woman had to do was undress, lie back on a bed, place the frog between her thighs and the frog would do it's thing and satisfy every sexual desire of the woman in front of it. He also explained that it was not for sale.

The woman bought a parrot for her friend, and went off to give it to her. Once home, she could not get the thought of the sex frog from her mind, and so the next day she went back to the pet store and implored the shopkeeper to sell it to her. Eventually he relinquished and sold her the frog for $500. She rushed home, stripped off her clothes and lay back on bed with the frog between her legs, then demanded the frog to do it's thing. Nothing happened. She thought that maybe the frog was tired from the long journey home, and uncomfortable in its new surroundings, so she fed it well, and let them both sleep for the night.

The next day she tried again, but still the frog would do nothing. The same the next day, and the next. Eventually she figured that she had been taken for a ride by the pet shop, and so returned to the pet shop to get her money back, or find out what was wrong with the frog. The pet shop owner looked totally perplexed and replied "It's a perfectly trained frog, I can't understand what is wrong. Maybe it just needs a refresher course." He took the woman and the frog to a back room of the shop where he placed the frog on a small table next to a bed, laid the woman back on the bed and removed her panties and then knelt down between her legs. Turning to the frog he said "now watch this carefully, because this is the last time I'm showing you this!"


Titanic in Kurzform
Es mag ja ein paar Leute geben denen der Film 'Titanic' mit seinen drei Stunden Laufzeit etwas zu lang geraten war. Na gut, es sind nicht nur 'ein paar' Leute sondern ein ganzer Haufen.

The Tribe
Zu 'The Tribe' gibt es nur folgendes zu sagen: Geniale Flash-Animation, zum totlachen komisch und unbedingt Sound aufdrehen. Mehr möchten wir nicht verraten.

(c) 2004 by Tripple Internet Content Services,